lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Guess mine is not the first heart broken

vivir solo es como estar en una fiesta donde nadie te hace caso...

pero sentirse solo cuando se esta tan rodeado de gente es estremecedor...

como si gritaras y nadie pareciera escucharlo
como si te desmoronaras y nadie viera caer tus pedazos

"Olive often imagined there was an orchestra in her heart. Music heard only by her except when her heart broke open and it spilled out into the world.

…Olive considered how much she loved Digby for paying attention to her when the Piemaker would not and Digby considered how much he liked salt… "

2 comentarios:

Monsieur Noir dijo...

Un post algo melancolico ...


Alex Damien dijo...

Si comprendo el sentimiento